Committed to the provision of community education in the area of behavior management and cognitive development of children who are developing both typically and atypically.

Welcome to Hands Full, Inc.
Dr. S. Yaroslawitz, DSc OTR/L
Stimulate and inspire your students
Create and maintain a healthy relationship with your children
Impact and empower your clients
Course Books & Audio Books
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What they are saying
It has been about six months since our first meeting, and I am amazed at how our family life has changed since then. Since we were able to put certain techniques into place, we are seeing a different child; more agreeable, more confident, and easier to have around. I am now able to get the help I've always felt I deserved around the house from my older girls. I'm not ready to say good-bye yet, I know I have so much more to learn. But I cannot thank you enough for turning my family around.
Special thanks for your shiurim on chinuch. They are extremely helpful, and as you say “chinuch that works in the long run.”
Dear Dr. Yaroslawitz, When my ten-year-old daughter began to behave like a teenager, I became very frightened and confused. In a heartbeat, I whipped out the second CD from your series and listened to it. I had originally thought that I would not need Volume II for another few years but I now realize that forewarned is forearmed! We’ve already begun implementing the shopping strategy which has not only made shopping with my daughter do-able, it is now enjoyable!! Thank you so much for being there at my side.
As a well-meaning mother, I tried to implement the ideas given by countless shiurim that I listened to, but I was so confused by the many conflicting parenting advice I was receiving. The concepts that you explained so eloquently help me handle the myriad of day to day challenges that come my way with efficiency that is noticeable to others. Thank you.
Thank you so much for giving me a “workable” formula for being a non-yelling mother. Your techniques are not just about disciplining my kids, they're also about teaching me self control. Thanks so much.
Dear Dr. Yaroslawitz, These lines are long overdue. I wish to convey my hakaras ha'tov to you for your guidance. You were like a loving teacher, always at my side, through all the easy times and the hard ones. Your precious words like jewels; brilliant in their simplicity. They inspire me even years after I heard your shiurim .
Dear Dr. Yaroslawitz, Thank you so much for helping klal Yisroel get back to chinuch al pi mesorah. Your program is completely on target!
Dear Dr. Yaroslawitz, I would like to express my thanks to you for your wonderful lectures series. If more mothers would listen to them, my daughter's class in school would be a better place, my son's cheder would be a better place and there would be healthier children and better marriages. Then we would live in a better world! What a z'chus!